Hidden Showers is a voyeur porn site that has a lot of video content of women in the shower, and changing rooms. Most of the content on this site is exclusive, although there may be a few videos that are not. Payment is either monthly or bi monthly. You can also get access through a 15 day paid trial.
Site Layout
The website has a fairly basic design. The choice of colour makes the site a little easy on the eye. It is different from some of the other unsightly porn sites that have screaming colours. The movie scenes have a number of photos that are meant to be previews. Each scene is displayed as a post. The layout and navigation are not that great. There is also no search function. This means you have to go through the pages. There are no clear descriptions on the scenes. You therefore need to scroll down through the movie scene previews to determine what you should watch. However, as you scroll down looking for shower scenes, you’ll notice each scene has about 6 screen shots. This is one way you can determine what is worth watching. There are a lot of shower scenes here that will keep you preoccupied for hundreds of hours. The number of shower scenes is now over 1,500. You can download the videos to your computer without any limits. The videos are in 512 by 384 AVI format and the bit rate is 1300kbps. The newer movies are in full HD. Most of the videos are short and you can expect them to be under five minutes long. The content on the site is only in the form of videos. There are no photo sets available for online viewing or downloads. However, each scene has about 3 or 4 photos that come with it. These photos are of the screenshots from the movie scene. The weekly updates justify the monthly subscription, as there are a lot more videos at the end of the month than at the beginning when you subscribed.
Chicks and Movies
The videos are simply of women in shower rooms taking their clothes off and having a shower. There is nothing that you can predict from these movies. They strip naked and proceed to take a shower. Luckily, you can see most of the women from different angles as they turn around. The camera is usually located at a good distance away from the women and at an angle so you can see more than one woman in the open shower rooms. What happens in the shower varies a lot. Some women bathe with swimsuits. In one video a woman can be seen shaving as she takes her shower. The locations where the videos are shot also vary. Although you can see videos from some public showers are more common than others.
Bottom Line
One of the strongest points for this website is the number of videos. Even though there are no photos, the collection of shower scenes and the variety of content is quite good. Also, the shower scenes are uploaded to the site almost daily. If you love this voyeur shower videos, you will definitely love this site.
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