Love sex? Of course, you do! Why else would you be here reading this review. But, what do you love more, making love or having sex? For some, they like to believe that making love is a euphemism for having sex. But that is not the reality. The two are very different from each other. When people make love, they not only are just attracted to each other physically but also they are emotionally connected to each other. They let down all their guards, they are okay with them knowing about the baggage they carry as well and are willing to bare it all when with them.
Whereas having sex, it is just two people, or more, getting into the physical aspect of the act, and that’s it. It is very easy to get sex these days. And even if you can’t get sex, there is always the option of watching porn videos. Porn has changed so much over time, and the change does not seem to stop. The growth the porn industry has had from the time it began is tremendous. If you imagine how miniscule the industry used to be and you think of what it is today, with awards shows and a list of very famous porn stars, it is quite unbelievable.
The major issue about porn videos is that it is targeted towards men. This gets very obvious with the overly sexualized acts. Porn videos are produced and created keeping one very important thing in mind, ‘what will turn on a man’. They almost always disregard anything else other than this. Porn videos are a little too dramatized. Their focus is mainly on the fucking other than anything else. There is no focus on the emotional part of it. They focus on the fucking mainly to ensure that a man in turned on enough so that he can jerk off and sign up for their content. Fucking is not bad. It has its own viewers.
But what if you do not belong to that list of viewers. For instance, women do not like porn videos, it is a known fact. They can’t seem to relate to it, which is obvious cause it is made for men. Women find the whole thing very obviously scripted. Only a woman knows what can truly turn a woman, and the acts in porn videos are clearly done to turn on men more than women. Unlike men, women do not watch videos just to get off. They are looking for a whole lot more than that. Something that would touch them emotionally. That’s a bunch of women came up with the best idea ever. They created SsshAlumni. A website exclusively for women. This is your regular porn site. It is way more than that. It just does not speak about sex but a whole lot more. With the usual pictures and videos you have also have dating, relationships, advice columns amongst others. Quite interesting, right? Go visit their website right away.
Site Layout
The layout of SsshAlumni looks like a very sweet romance novel cover. From the colors that they have used to the style of font they have used, everything will give you a feeling that you are reading a classic romance novel. The color scheme used for SsshAlumni is purple, blue and off white. Yeah, if you seem to remembering every romance novel’s cover you read back in the day, you are remembering just about right. You have the option of viewing the website in two different languages. Either French or English. The colors are very gentle on the eyes and will make you feel nostalgic.
The first page does not have any kind of frontal nudity. Just some very racy pictures. It has a very good looking blonde haired woman as the title photo who looks she stepped out of a rom-com. Down on the left hand side there is a welcome note and below it are the updates that they have had on the website. There is a slideshow of images that keep rotating every five seconds. These pictures are very sexy of course. All in all, it is a beautiful website. You will instantly fall in love with it like we did.
Chicks and Movies
We are extremely content with what we have seen so far on SsshAlumni. You will realize that you are in for a treat the moment you land on their web page. To talk about the women in their arsenal, they have some really sexy women, all of different races with some really gorgeous bodies. What we really loved when we have seen their site was that every content they have put out there was very much from a woman’s perspective. Upon reaching the members page, there this very interesting ‘get to know yourself’ section.
Reading more about it we realized it talks about female masturbation. But there’s more. In for some female on female action? Then you will find some good lesbian content on SsshAlumni. What was really refreshing is that the lesbian content is actually meant for lesbians. They are different areas within the website. In these areas, you will find section that have articles on beauty, style, sexual health amongst several. We love how everything here is women centric.
Bottom Line
How contented are you with all that SsshAlumni has to offer? Cause we are very content. We do not think it gets any better than this. There are no sites out there that even puts half the effort what SsshAlumni puts in their content. And the website just does not talk about only informative things. They manage to add some oomph to that with all the sexy erotic content they have to offer.
And don’t you worry about watching or reading anything more than once on the website, cause the guys at SsshAlumni try their best to update their website everyday. And also, what we love about the SsshAlumni is that we love how they manage to make their site informative, smart, sexy and fun altogether, for women of every age. We seriously recommend this website. There is nothing better than this in this genre.

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