How long has it been since you have last worked out? Like seriously, at the gym? Yesterday? A couple of days ago? If you have answered yes to our succeeding questions, then good for you. Us, here in the office, we sit all day and write. Hence, we don’t really have that stamina to work out after office hours. And of course, there’s always the reason that we are lazy old bastards, and we just can’t help it! Personally, I have been thinking of that guy at the gym, that fitness trainer, and have been imagining certain horrible things happening to him whenever I think how many sexy ladies the guy had fucked for the past week. That muscled bloke. He must have things easier for him. Just like the guys that we are going to watch in the porn site that we are going to feature today.
The porn site that we are going to focus on this review is aptly called DirtyCoach. Here, you are going to find personal fitness trainers, seducing hot sweaty chicks into having sex with them. Yes, I might have some issues with the guy at the gym I go to, but this would not stop me from giving some respect to the guys that are on this site, and watching the awesome videos that they were able to film. If you are also interested in seeing porn videos of coaches fucking fresh sporty chicks, then this site is absolutely for you. More than that, you might be pleased to learn quite a few lessons on seduction on this porn site, as you can see all their tricks and strategies taking place in plain sight.
We really enjoyed this porn site, and what can we expect coming from a porn site that belongs to the TeenMegaWorld porn network. This porn network is also home to other high quality porn sites like Dirty Doctor (kinda like Dirty Coach, but instead of a coach, a dirty old doctor does the seduction), Wow Orgasms (a favorite site of ours here in the office since it shows fresh chicks reaching orgasm for the first time), and XAngels (for those who want to see hottest ladies on porn today), just to mention a few sites included in the network. Why are we telling you all of this? Because you are also going to get access to all of these sites after signing up for DirtyCoach. Awesome, right? Hence, without further ado, allow us to provide you the different membership options available for you to choose from: a two-day trial, and three types of premium membership for one month, three months, and one year.
Site Layout
We love that behind the seductive trickery involved in the theme of this site, the website creators still chose to give the site a sleek and classy design. This makes the porn site very manly. Aside from the overall look of the site, the logo adds a masculine touch as well. It is made up of a stencil font and a barbell, which is pretty appropriate given the theme of the site. Other than those design features that we have mentioned, the porn site’s design is pretty simple from there. You are not going to see other things on the page anymore other than the thumbnails and previews.
The thumbnails are pretty effective. They contain an image that presents the hottest scene in the video, and shows that the videos in the site are all high-definition. Bits of information about the video can also be found in the thumbnail: the title of the video, the logo of the site, and the ten-point rating. There are also other videos that are not presented in the thumbnails. However, they are shown in a bigger preview, a video trailer that is as wide as the page it fills up the entire screen! Aside from the preview trailer, you are also read a short description or synopsis about the video.
Chicks and Movies
To those who are not yet familiar with the type of girls that the TeenMegaWorld porn network shows their viewers, then allow us to give you a short description. In fact, we can even describe it in one word: fresh. Yes, that’s right. All the ladies here in the porn site and the porn network in general, are pretty new in the business. Hence, you are going to see a lot of fresh bodies and beauties here. The beauties here look innocent and sweet as well, and this adds a great deal to the thrill that you are going to experience while watching the videos on this porn site. It makes more irresistible and tempting to corrupt if you get what I’m saying.
Plus, it makes it more logical for the horny personal fitness trainers to seduce them. Speaking of which, let us now talk about the videos that you are going to find on this site. We are especially fond that the videos here are all crisp and clear. They add a great deal of character in the videos to see the porcelain-like skin of the models. It is also very convenient that the porn site has really fast servers. In this way, you can download or stream all the videos you want, non-stop, without worrying about the long loading and buffering rate.
Bottom Line
And that’s it, these are the reasons why we enjoyed our entire stay on this porn site. We loved the girls. We enjoyed and learned a lot from the suave moves. And we liked how the videos are all high-quality. Hence, we also recommend this site to all the men who love fresh girls out there, to those who love going to the gym, and to those who dream of becoming a personal trainer and seducing lovely ladies in real life as well.