Do you still remember the advice that your parents gave you? Some of the most memorable for me were to never lie, never harm other people, always say please and thanks you, things like that. But the most important to them was probably the lying thing, right? But the thing is, they were also lying back then. They did not tell you that in life, there are times when you just need to lie. In fact, some people get so good at it, even they can’t tell if they’re lying anymore! Some people are just darn good liars that they can’t remember the truth. I don’t know about you guys, but I sometimes find good liars pretty amazing. They get so convincing. They can get away with anything. Plus, there are times when they even get things for free! In the world of sex and porn, lying is one of the most important spokes of the wheel. There are a lot of porn sites that are based on people lying to women (or men, or sometimes both), just to get laid.
There are fake doctors, fake masseurs, and even fake taxi drivers. The porn site that we are going to talk about today is one such site as well. It was created by probably one of the best liars in the porn industry. He is so good at lying that he’s not even technically a part of the porn industry but he runs a successful porn site! We are talking about Paul Taylor and we are going to review his porn site, NerdPervert today. Have you heard of the porn site yet? It’s okay if you haven’t because we will introduce the site to you through this short review anyway. But as a brief overview, let us just share with you a little about Paul Taylor.
Paul is just a simple videographer, but he is actually posing as a porn producer. You will be surprised at how many girls he has already victimized. Apparently, there are truly a lot of girls in the world who would do just about anything just to become famous. And this is where he gets the videos that he posts on the site. He tricks girls into believing that he’ll make them big in the porn industry (when in fact he’s not really a porn director). He’s such a good liar that there are times when he even gets to trick even those who are already in porn! Talk about smooth talking. Now, the reason why he called his porn site this way is because he looks like a nerd. From his very own words, he’s “no looker”. In fact, he looks like a nerd, but the difference is he’s one hell of a pervert, and that’s why the porn site is called “NerdPervert”.
Site Layout
The one thing that personally struck me when I landed on the porn site’s homepage is that Paul was really proud of himself. Once you get to the page, one of the first things that you are going to see is his big picture, with his two thumbs up. Well, if I was the guy, I would probably do the same thing because who wouldn’t be proud with this kind of life and accomplishment? Then below that banner which includes his picture, you’ll get to read a short write up about Paul and his porn site. This would give you a bit of insight about the porn site and what it is all about. This write-up is pretty interesting so be sure to read it. And then, finally, you can scroll down and see the different thumbnails. These thumbnails, of course, show the latest videos that you can watch. Feel free to take a look at each and enjoy!
Chicks and Movies
One of the first things that you are going to notice with NerdPervert is that man, this guy has some serious taste! Paul obviously doesn’t just go for any chick. He selects them carefully. How did we know? Well, the reason is because all of the girls that you are going to see in his porn site are perfect tens! You are seriously not going to see any mediocre lady here. And this is actually one of the best things to enjoy in this premium porn site. The girls are already curated unlike other porn sites of the same theme where you are going to feel like the producers of the site just “settled for anyone”, you know? And this is absolutely never the case in NerdPervert.
Now, for the nationality of the ladies here, it was mentioned in the porn site that Paul travels all around Europe to “do his thing”. Hence, it would be safe to assume that most, if not all, of the ladies that you are going to see on the site, are European. And that is absolutely okay to us because Europe is pretty diverse and it definitely offers a lot of different types of gorgeous women for Paul to bang and us to watch.
Bottom Line
As with any other premium porn site, NerdPervert requires you to sign up for membership. Don’t worry, though, because Paul as different membership plans available for you to choose from. It would all depend on your budget and for how long you would want to enjoy your unlimited access to all of his videos. If you really enjoy his videos, then we suggest that you sign up for the monthly offer, as what Paul also recommends. The reason is because you don’t have to worry about renewing your membership every month. This is more convenient and gives you one less thing to worry about as you continue to enjoy the different videos that you will find in NerdPervert.