Next Door World is without any doubt one of the great contemporary web sites in the business area of displaying quality adult gay porn. The collection of thousands of videos and hundreds of thousands of photos accessible from Next Door World, can’t compare to any other collection out there. I stumbled upon this web site by coincidence a few weeks ago, and…. Or maybe I should signify it as more than just a site. The name ‘site’ seems so ordinary. It’s more like a portal, or a Stargate, or something not born of this earth, because the universe that you arrive when you enter Next Door World, is vast and amazing, and practically Outside Of This World, much more complex than what you promptly notice at first glance. Every day you enter Next Door World you will be surprised, maybe even a little bit shocked, you will feel joy, maybe you’ll even laugh, and you will be satisfied. You will leave Next Door World thinking you got more than you bargained for. Relax, sweetie, there is nothing wrong. These are just the effects of high value and low cost working together.
Site Layout
When you sign up to a fair priced membership at the Next Door World, you get access to not only the amazing Next Door World itself, but a massive total number of 16 amazing gay porn sites. In the “next door”-series, you get access to great places like Next Door Casting, Next Door Ebony and Next Door Hookups. Other sites included in the membership, are: Austin Wilde, Cody Cummings, Stroke That Dick, Trystan Bull and Rod Daily. As, if this is not enough, Next Door World has recently added an extra bonus site, Nude male dancers, focusing as the name suggests on male dancers that are nude. The new content uploaded to these sites under the umbrella of Next Door Studios every single day, displays in 1080p HD, and all scenes are available for download or streaming. Members also have plenty of other options. Members get access to behind-the-scenes footage from the steamy Next Door productions, or they can interview models, or even access live shows that are scheduled regularly.
Guys and Movies
Next Door World has a user-friendly interface. No matter where you find yourself on the site, it’s easy to navigate back or move to some other place, and every part of the site is informative and easy to use. Say, if you for instance wonder about this athletic, fragile looking dude named Marcus Mojo that you keep gazing at. Well, you can find him at least in three ways (also performing in a few three-ways): In the Next Door Exclusives- department, from the “choose a model” scrolling bar under the menu “guys”, and by choosing the “Marcus Mojo”-section under the 16 sites-scroll bar from the main menu, where every single movies available featuring Marcus Mojo have links to the site called Next Door World offers different ways to browse through the close to 4000 exclusive videos. In the “movies”-section of the website, you can browse the latest videos, upcoming videos, and the most viewed movies.
There is also a different section for photos, offering close to 200 000 gay porn pictures, sorted into what looks like about 1000 different photo sets, with alluring titles to match, such as: Rommate Auditions part 1, The Pastors Son, The Reunion: Arousing Faith and Bubble Butt Massage. Next Door World’s terms and conditions for their users are extremely well thought out, down to the smallest detail. The web site goes out of their way to make sure the customer experience is safe and secure, as well as pleasant and pleasing.
The web site displays pictures that are crystal clear, with a level of attraction on the models that is practically unmatched in the whole industry. There are links on the site to Twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, and any other Social Media outlet you might think of. The web site is informational, and there are links to support and WTS-support. The layout is so beautiful and simple, that you should not have any problem finding what you’re looking for, whether it be information, or the fresh, hot stud you wanted to watch getting his ass kissed in the fresh movie ‘Straight from the country’. Whatever you need, there is a big chance you will find inside of Next Door World.
Bottom Line
I would like to conclude my review of the Next Door World web site, by demystifying a false belief, or maybe I should call it legend: that web sites focusing on muscular men with little or no clothes are restricted to single, gay men. I’m no stranger to discussing politics around porn with friends and acquaintances, sometimes even with my own family. I have friends of both genders who are gay, bi or straight. I may be on thin ice here, maybe I am risking stepping on some toes, but here we go. A few days ago I decided to discuss porn with two friends of mine, lesbian girls who are currently in a relationship. You can’t imagine my surprise when they told me: 1. That they enjoy watching porn, usually together, seldom alone. 2. That they prefer watching male on male action, claiming traditional porn tends to demean woman, and that standard lesbian movies tend to be too soft. 3. Next Door World is their favorite site!