On this site, you can find a rather big compilation of porn videos, featuring pretty stunning girls giving out full-round blowjobs. The scenes here are captured in HD, and they are glamorous, the camera handling is smooth, the editing is superb, so not just the sex in the scenes, but the overall quality of the videos is exciting. If you like milking movies, then you will certainly like these videos. The site is only three years old, and though the update schedule is on a monthly basis, it’s just ensures that you get the best quality, not the junk that was put together in three days. The guys may take their time shooting the scenes, but this is for the best. There are more than 160 videos here, so if you watched them all, you might want to take a look at the included bonus sites: the SensualGirl network is at your disposal to browse. All sites that you get access to offers high quality 100% exclusive videos.
Site Layout
The tour page of the ClassBlowjob looks sophisticated, just as the site promises that the videos would be. The top of the page features the heading as a montage of some of the cuties accompanied by a cock. Under this picture, you may find the join and login buttons, along with a list of the included bonus websites. As you can see they like the golden color, and it fits the high quality and sensuality of the content the site provides. The rest of the page lists the videos, represented by multiple thumbnails. You can go through all 26 pages of the list, but there are no trailers available, so you need to trust your instincts and the pictures you can see here. After you enter the inner section, you will see that the same page is the members’ zone, and you won’t get navigation options, so you should go page by page, and see if there is anything that catches your attention. The only difference between the tour page and the inner page is that the top of the page features the actual links to the included sites. You can enjoy the videos in the members’ zone, right in your browser. The embedded player is used to access the FLV stream, which grants you a very good playback quality, though the actual resolution of the video is a bit lower than the WebHD definition, but it’s still very enjoyable. It’s quite certain that the online porn watchers will like this option. If you decide to download a video, you get some better options concerning the quality: you may save the videos as 720p WMV or QuickTime files, along with a low quality MP4. The download speed is good, so if you like quality, then this is the right choice. Along with the videos, usually came some photo sets, which usually consist of 150 files, each offering sharp, clear pictures.
Chicks and Movies
These cuties that you can see in the ClassBlowjob videos are all real glamorous beauties, which have tight bodies, mouth and tongue that never get tired. As you can see for yourself, these cuties are naturally gorgeous; it seems that none of them went through any kind of changes throughout the years. You may have already opened the page, and you may see that there are some very hot girls here, and since the site tries to be an elegant, classy porn site, these are all professional models. This is simply necessary, because amateurs or not too experienced girls may not be able to give so sensual blowjobs to the man they have to handle, though there are some who claims to be a beginner. It seems that here only Caucasians and maybe Latinas are giving out those arousing blowjobs, and they do a very good job with that. Though they are Caucasians mostly, you will find them to be really varied and not just their body parts (tits, ass) but also their faces, hair color are different. The videos and the girls originate from Europe, though because there isn’t much talking in the scenes you won’t really notice anything that would point to that. The videos of the ClassBlowjob are trying to be as sensual as it’s possible, and the girls endeavor to provide you the best experience they can. Since the network, and this site has the goal of providing really classy porn, with erotic and sensual elements in them, it’s only necessary to get the most fresh and natural girls for the task. It’s a mystery where they dig up these girls, but one thing is certain, the way they suck is going make you blow. There are usually three kinds of videos here: the ones where a couple is doing it, then there are the boy-girl-girl threesomes and you can find some group scenes where more than two girls are handling that cock. The videos only feature blowjobs, but these milking scenes are arousing and varied, the girls put on a great show. When there is more than one girl on the stage, usually some soft lesbian love and masturbation takes place, though apart from the oral insertion, no other penetration take place in these movies. At this time, the site offers more than 160 videos for the members (on this site), and since most of them runs for more than 20 minutes, they will prove to be really satisfying for your needs.
Bottom Line
The ClassBlowjob is a site which is full of promises, and it has a great potential in it. The sensuality is returning into the porn industry, and while the large porn studios are still producing their crappy heartless videos, there are a growing number of sites that offer hardcore sex with glamorous and erotic elements. Also, if you are looking for erotic porn, be sure to take a look on the included network sites.